Short Sales

Short Sale vs Foreclosure

Short Sale vs Foreclosure Do you know the difference? In this weeks video I break them both down for you. I'll tell you how they are the same, how they are difference and what it means to you as a home buyer. Stick around until the end where I share the main advise I give to my clients when purchasing a Short Sale and I bust a myth about buying a Foreclosure. ___________________________Helpful...

Wholesaling Real Estate Podcast |The Short Sale Queen

Check Out The Top Tools for Serious Real Estate Investors 🔥#1 Tool for ALL investors & Real Estate professionals - 📱Driving for Dollars $$. Best Real Estate Deals In Your Neighborhood - 📞 REI-SKIP Find The Phone Number for Any Homeowner - 🥕 Build Your Investor or Agent Website in 10 Mins -...

What Are Short Sale Homes And Foreclosure Properties?

While the innate characteristics of a savvy real estate investor may be intangible, they are by no means required to realize success in this industry. Everyone, regardless of experience, can successfully invest in real estate if they demonstrate a willingness to learn and a propensity for hard work. However, those with high aspirations need to

Short Sale Vs. Foreclosure: A Buyer’s Guide

Today’s market is fast-paced and competitive, finding a deal can be challenging. If you’re looking for a new home below market value and you have determination and patience, distressed properties might be for you. We’ll discuss which is better for buyers, short sale vs foreclosure. The Difference Between A Short Sale And Foreclosure For Buyers

How a Short Sale Works in California

Short sales in California allow homeowners to avoid foreclosure by selling a home for less than they owe on it. Successful short-sale transactions transfer properties from the distressed seller to a qualified buyer. California short-sale transactions have certain safeguards in place to protect sellers from possible legal repercussions. Neither seller nor buyer is obligated to

What’s the Difference Between Short Sale and Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure?

If you're having trouble making your mortgage payments, discuss these options with your lender as soon as possible If you’re having difficulty affording your home during hard economic times, you may be able to avoid foreclosure through either a short sale or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. While neither option is as desirable as staying in

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